How to Go From a Stack of Plastic Moving Boxes to a Home in Toronto

Once the moving van, or your friend’s car, has pulled away and you find yourself surrounded by stacks of plastic moving boxes in your Toronto home. Empty walls, settling into your new house, condo, or apartment in Toronto can seem overwhelming. Nothing about this new space feels like home yet, and it can feel like a lot of work needs to be done before you feel like the new place belongs to you. But follow these steps and you’ll be well on your way to being settled in your new home! Continue reading

Moving Bin Rentals and Other Tips for Moving into a Condo

Condo living can be a great way to have access to a variety of amenities without being responsible for the maintenance and upkeep. It’s also one of the more affordable ways to own property while being in the thick of things in the centre of Toronto.  If you have never moved into a condo before though, there can be some things you need to pay special attention to. We’ve outlined a few tips below (including how moving bin rentals can help) to make sure that your next move into a condo is as seamless as possible! Continue reading

Tips for Your Montreal Office Move

Whether your company is moving to a bigger space, a smaller space, or just a new location, here are some tips about Montreal commercial moving supplies to keep in mind.

Commercial moving can be a challenge. If you are moving your small business, it’s important to plan ahead and ensure that you have the right team and the right commercial moving supplies in Montreal to make your move as stress free as possible.  Continue reading

Keep Moving to Your Dorm Eco-friendly with Toronto Moving Box Rental

From Toronto moving box rentals to reusable packing material, go green as you move into your dorm

Whether you are moving to Toronto to start school, or heading off to school somewhere else, moving into your dorm can require more planning than you think. Especially if you are eco-conscious, you want to make sure that your move does not generate a lot of waste! In order to keep your move stress-free and eco-friendly, we’ve put together some tips below. Continue reading