Good News for Wet Spring Moves: Montreal Rains Won’t Soak through Plastic Moving Containers

The rains are coming to Montreal in short order! As the snow begins to fade into the memory of yet another winter in the northern hemisphere, the skies will inevitably open up. While all that precipitation is fantastic for the environment, not to mention our lawns, gardens and flower beds, it can wreak havoc on a move. Having plastic moving containers on hand can be lifesavers.

Plastic moving containers from an expert company like Blue Bins are made from recycled and recyclable materials. Unlike cardboard boxes, the plastic containers sport properties that make them good for use in all kinds of weather… thunder showers included! Some of the most notable traits of these types of moving containers include:

  • They relentlessly keep your items safe and dry. Because water won’t seep through the plastic moving containers, your contents will be safer and drier than if you didn’t choose plastic over cardboard.
  • They’re easy to grip when they’re damp. Have you ever tried to move a box that was made solely out of cardboard? As the cardboard gets wetter and wetter, it starts to buckle. This makes it downright dangerous, or at least quite a challenge, to try to move cardboard boxes during a rain storm.
  • They don’t smell when they get moist. Moisture affects cardboard in a way that it doesn’t affect plastic. Sniff a piece of cardboard after it’s been drenched with water. What do you smell? It’s a musty odor, and that odor will be brought into your new house if you aren’t using plastic moving containers.
  • They can be wiped off cleanly. Let’s say you get some water on your plastic moving box – it’s not a problem, because that water can be wiped off. Cardboard just doesn’t wipe as well because it absorbs any liquids with which it comes in contact.

The answer is pretty clear – plastic moving containers will assist you in more securely moving to and/or from your Montreal property, especially in wetter weather.

Of course, there are other ways you can confidently know that a rainy day move won’t dampen your excitement. For instance, if the forecast calls for rain, make sure:

  • You prepare by putting drop cloths at all the entrances and exits. That way, debris won’t be tracked into your new or old Montreal residence.
  • You wear the right gear. If it’s a cold, chilly rain, you’ll want to have layers on. Moving is hard work, so you’ll likely be taking certain items on and off throughout the day.
  • You have umbrellas on hand for any helpers. This will enable them to keep from getting soaked. Make certain that you’re careful if there is lightning and thunder in the vicinity, especially if the umbrella has metal parts.
  • You wear proper footwear. If you have galoshes or boots, now is the time to break them out!

No matter what Mother Nature decides to do on your big moving day, know that you can plan for anything the sky throws your way.

Blue Bins helps customers throughout Montreal and many other parts of Canada by renting plastic moving containers and other moving supplies. Visit their website today to learn more!